Favorite Tracks
Whether you are into greyhound wagering, harness wagering or thoroughbred wagering you are likely to have some favorite tracks that you prefer to wager on. AmWager makes it quick and easy to see their current status and access your favorite track from anywhere in the wager pad.
While other’s have tried to duplicate it AmWager as always offers the most powerful system available.

Favorites Functionality
- Unlimited Favorites
- RealTime sorting and updating based on preference
- Visible throughout the wager pad for ease of access.
From the preferences page you can select your favorite tracks from a list of every track that has ever been on the AmWager platform. Once you have done that you will see all of your favorites that are running that day at the top of your screen along with their current race and minutes to post.
Clicking on any of them will take you directly to that race ready to wager.